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Members of GIEFAS
The Wildlife Ecophysiology Research Group (GIEFAS, spanish abbreviation) is staffed by CONICET researchers as well as graduate and post-doctoral students who share an interest in scientific research and conservation biology from an interdisciplinary and participatory perspective.

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Dr. Pablo Carmanchahi - Independent Researcher

Head Team

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Pablo Carmanchahi is a researcher of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research of Argentina and Director of the Ecophysiology of Wild Fauna Research Group since 2000. He obtained his PhD at the National University of Buenos Aires. Pablo worked to develop, evaluate and transfer to the productive sector methodologies for the use of wild guanaco fiber as an alternative to traditional production. His current research focuses on studying the consequences on ecophysiological and population aspects of the capture and shearing of wild guanacos in order to evaluate the sustainability of this productive activity. It also studies socio-productive and economic aspects of the fiber production system with the objective of developing a productive model that improves the quality of life of low-income rural producers, based on the sustainable use of guanacos and the appropriation of technological innovations. His research was used to develop protocols of good management practices of the species and as input for the development of national and provincial legal regulations governing the use of wild guanaco. His research has been published in scientific journals and includes topics of physiology, behavior, anatomy, ecology, conservation and sustainable use of wildlife species.

Dra. Natalia Schroeder - Researcher


Natalia M. Schroeder is a Biologist from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina (2002), Master of Science in Ecology and Natural Resource Management from the Institute of Ecology, A.C. Mexico (2006) and PhD of Biological Sciences (Ecology) from the National University of Cuyo, Argentina (2013). For her postgraduate studies she obtained OAS-LASPAU and CONICET scholarships, as well as other training scholarships from the US Forest Service (USA), Instituto de Ecologia A.C. (Mexico), University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil). Natalia is currently a researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) based at the Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de Zonas Aridas (IADIZA) in Mendoza, Argentina. She has numerous articles in international journals, book chapters and presentations to scientific meetings. She is a tenured professor of two postgraduate courses and a visiting professor of one degree course. Natalia is interested in studies that link nature and society. In particular, she researches on the structure, dynamics and conservation of socio-ecological systems, with emphasis on the interactions between wildlife and human activities. 

Dr. Ramiro Ovejero - Assistant Researcher


He is Assistant Researcher at the Instituto de Ecología Regional (IER-CONICET-UNT-TUCUMAN) and Associate Researcher at the Laboratorio de Ecología del Comportamiento, Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales y Evolutivas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Austral de Chile (UACH). He is interested in physiological ecology, population ecology, ecology of movements and endocrinology applied to the management and conservation of biodiversity.
Currently, he is developing a theoretical model integrating physiological mechanisms in response to intrinsic and extrinsic processes, which determine individual strategies of the life cycle of populations, in order to understand the patterns we observe in nature.

Dra Antonella Panebianco - Postdoctoral Fellow


Antonella is a Postdoctoral Fellow of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research of Argentina. In 2013, she obtained her master's degree and in 2019 her PhD, both obtained from the University of Buenos Aires. Antonella is interested in studying the modulation of physiological and behavioral aspects in wildlife, in the context of environmental change. Her doctoral studies included the evaluation of ecological and physiological factors that modulate aggression in wild guanacos. Currently, her post-doctoral research is oriented towards the development of methodologies for the study and management of wildlife using new technologies, such as unmanned aerial vehicles. Antonella's work has been published in scientific journals and conferences and includes topics of physiology, behaviour, ecology, conservation and sustainable use.

Dr. Pablo Gregorio - Junior Researcher

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Pablo Gregorio is a Postdoctoral Fellow of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research of Argentina. In 2009 he obtained his bachelor's degree and in 2018 his doctorate, both from the University of Buenos Aires. He has worked on aspects related to the understanding of diet quality and energy management in wild guanacos. He has also contributed to the development of methodologies for the use of wild guanaco fiber as an alternative productive activity. His current research is oriented towards ecophysiological aspects that allow elucidating the efficiency in obtaining energy and the adaptations of wild camelids to the environments where they live. His work has been published in scientific journals and congresses, and includes topics of physiology, behavior, ecology, conservation and sustainable use.

Lic. Fiama Peña - PhD Student

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Fiama Peña has a degree in Biodiversity, she graduated in 2018 from Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (FHUC-UNL). She completed her thesis in the Laboratory of Ecology of Diseases (LEcEn) ICIVET-Litoral (UNL-CONICET), where she studied the ecology of the host-parasite interaction, using the nematode Calodium hepaticum and Sigmodontin rodent assemblages in the eco-region El Espinal, as study system.     
    She is currently doing her PhD with a grant awarded by ANPCyT, led by Dra. Natalia Schroeder and Dr. Pablo Carmanchahi. Her studies are focused on evaluating the role of water in the habitat selection and in the competitive interaction between the guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and domestic herbivores in arid environments.


Lic. Valeria Pomponio - PhD Student


Valeria Pomponio has a degree in Biological Sciences, graduated in 2022 from the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMDP).
In 2023 he joined GIEFAS, with a doctoral scholarship from the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion (ANPCyT), under the direction of Pablo Carmanchahi and the co-direction of Pablo Gregorio. His doctoral studies focus on evaluating the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiome of captive and wild guanacos, in order to describe plasticity and analyze the adaptive functionality of the microbiome in the face of change scenarios.


Lic. Valeria Pomponio - PhD Student


Valeria Pomponio has a degree in Biological Sciences, graduated in 2022 from the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMDP).
In 2023 he joined GIEFAS, with a doctoral scholarship from the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion (ANPCyT), under the direction of Pablo Carmanchahi and the co-direction of Pablo Gregorio. His doctoral studies focus on evaluating the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiome of captive and wild guanacos, in order to describe plasticity and analyze the adaptive functionality of the microbiome in the face of change scenarios.


Lic. Valeria Pomponio - PhD Student


Valeria Pomponio has a degree in Biological Sciences, graduated in 2022 from the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMDP).
In 2023 he joined GIEFAS, with a doctoral scholarship from the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion (ANPCyT), under the direction of Pablo Carmanchahi and the co-direction of Pablo Gregorio. His doctoral studies focus on evaluating the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiome of captive and wild guanacos, in order to describe plasticity and analyze the adaptive functionality of the microbiome in the face of change scenarios.


Dr. Gustavo Fernández - Independent Researcher


Gustavo J. Fernández is a researcher at the National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET) since 2001. He received his MSc and PhD degrees at University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). Gustavo’s research interests focus on ecology and animal behavior, mainly of birds, including studies on communication, reproductive ecology, cognition, relationships between birds and habitat, etc. In recent years his work has included analyzes of bird communities in disturbed environments. Gustavo has recently joined the group (2018) and has initiated new lines of research on potentially indicator species of the conservation status of the environments and on the role of birds as seed dispersers in the Andean-Patagonian forest.

Dra. Mariana Carro - Assistant Researcher


Her interest in the scientific field is to be able to solve questions of ecology and animal behavior. Specifically she is concerned to answer questions related to the different adaptations of the species and the place where they live. In order to develop her research, she is interested in combining behavioural observations, field experiments and genetic analysis. She was able to develop it during her PhD Thesis, where she analyzed the reproductive and natal dispersion of the HouseWren.
Since 2016 she has been working as a researcher at CONICET. In 2018, she joined the GIEFAS' research group and is currently developing a new research line in which she will explore the interactions of birds with native and exotic plant species of the andean patagonian forest.

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